Friday 1 February 2013

Wilson's Prom, summer in our home state...

30th January..a sad day in Shepp as we attended the funeral of my Uncle Geoffery, an 81 yr old man who lived a disabled life, well cared for by my dad's proud of them all.

These Shepp 'Moove-it' persons twisted our arms and made us eat scones and cream....nice.

Same day another family catch up in Broadford, mum's brother Graham and his wife Jan and cousin Penny, always a cheery visit and good to see them, Jan is my funny email supplier!!

Overnight at Red Parrot Creek near Flowerdale

 31st Jan for a week...Yanakie near Wilson's Prom, homebase of fellow travellers Jimmy and Meliada,
touristing, eating, drinking, talking, planning and some fishing

Tidal River Wilson's Prom

The largest southern most plantation of mangroves, Wilsons Prom

 Early morning fishing trip at Yanakie in Jimmy's boat.

 Phil and Liz also fellow travelers from Frankston and Yanakie were there too..these blokes have boats for all types of fishing, big boats, little boats, one here, one there!!